Help Support ASW

Your support enables us to deliver high-quality music to our community this season and to invest in our sustainable future success and growth. There are several ways to contribute to our mission: you can send a check, become a monthly donor, or make a one-time donation using the link/logo below. Additionally, tiered sponsorship opportunities are available for corporations, individuals, and families.

Gift of Music/Music Sponsorship

One of our largest annual expenses is purchasing music for the band. To support this, we've launched a new initiative called the Gift of Music. This program allows patrons to donate towards the purchase of new music, helping to enrich our band’s repertoire and become a lasting part of our musical journey.

Music costs range from $75 to $300, with an average price of $100 per piece. As a Gift of Music donor, your name will be listed on our website and in each concert program. Additionally, we'll announce the Gift of Music donors and the song associated with their name every time their sponsored piece is performed at a formal series concert.

If you would like to become a Gift of Music sponsor, please click the link below to download the Gift of Music Form. The form includes directions for submission and mailing. Thank you for supporting ASW and your Gift of Music sponsorship.

Please click here for the Gift of Music/Music Sponsorship form.

Will be updated soon…….

Gift of Music Sponsors

Will be updated soon…….